Walpurgis night (“Valborgsmässoafton” in Swedish, is always the last of April) 1996 the gates where opened at Café Tannefors Locks for the first time. In time the café has become appreciated and loved by many, both by locals here in Linköping, but also by visitors from many different countries. The café has been voted as having the nicest outdoor-seating in Linköping.
… but it hasn’t always been a café here. The building was used by lock-guards for outhouse, cowshed. If you were a lock-guard you were priviliged with having one cow, one pig, some chickens and the right to let your animals browse on the land around the locks.
See some photographies from the building from the 1940's and onward here.
See some old photographies from the Tannefors Locks here.
See the map over the locks in Kinda canal here.